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Determinism, Childhood and Parenting

I subscribe to a great, small, powerful  literary magazine called The Sun.  I read it for the short stories, fiction and non-fiction, poetry and I especially enjoy the Readers Write section.  This magazine exudes human dynamics and given that is my profession and passion I have a hard time not reading it  cover to cover as I stand at the mailbox.  It makes me think and ponder the humanity in all of us– the humanness of me.

The last but most thrilling thing I read in the August 2012 issue ( I am WAY behind in my reading) was the interview with Gabor Mate.  Little did I expect an interview about determinism, the effects of childhood and the stresses of our society on parents. The article is posted in part on The Sun website: .

Please, if you like the article, consider subscribing to The Sun! It has made it’s way over many years without a single advertisement and relies on subscriptions to stay alive.
